Infidelity is a bitch!

Infidelity is a bitch! What a price to pay for pum-pum! Toronto Mayor John Tory to me was like Drake, so astute, so well liked, so logical and proper, always appearing so politically correct in the public eye, and seemingly a solid, stable and outstanding leader and model citizen for our Toronto city and their voters for three straight terms stretching over nine years.
Now John Tory, married since 1978, and his legacy, is nose-diving in flames, nothing to do with his job performance really, but because of a secret affair he allegedly with a staff member that is now out in the public. John Tory is married with four children and in the world of cut throat Canadian politics, any politician exposed as an infidel will ultimately pay the career-ending price that we see John Tory paying now.
Just goes to prove nobody is perfect, I really thought John was the perfect husband and father, but so many great, powerful and wealthy men have destroyed their careers and reputations because of their inability to resist temptation and not weaken in those moments of loneliness and lust that can be so opportune inside office environments where people have to vigorously work closely together for hours in end, sometimes during late nights.
I wish John luck moving forward, because as a man, I feel sorry for him. His story is relatable to so many of us who have to fight off temptation in the office and workplace regularly. It is not easy, office work is filled with lots of opportune moments.
I’m sure mayor Tory will bounce back in some fashion after repairing his family situation if it is indeed repairable. Sometimes the ignorant part of me says after 45 years will his wife Barb forgive him for one affair? And how much was that staff member asking for that John refused to pay!
But seriously, historically, how many times we see this, good men, rich men, powerful men getting weak when they fall in lust and in turn pay the ultimate price with the sacrifice of their careers, legacy and reputability.