When Dance Did Nice - Saturday May 18th with @DJPolish
We invite you to share in our joy and join us on this nostalgic musical Journey when Apto & Funsquad event Presents…
Saturday May 18 2024 | 10pm 3 am
Music by #WhenDanceDidNice family
The juggling king @djtyroneking
The most versatile @flatline4ever
The black perfection @blackreactionsound
Special guest New York’s baddest, the world famous @djpolish #DJPolish – King Midas Sound!
Hosted by the voice of the vibes @Kidkut
Early bird tickets $40 Reg $50
Link in bio to purchase tickets https://www.ticketgateway.com/wddnmay2024
Table | Booths | Pre Orders
Reservation info – 6474086779
Brought to you by #FunSquadEvents and #AptoEnt
@funsquadevents__ @aptoent @kaboom24
#Wddn #IamGoingToWhenDanceDidNice #WelcomeToWhenDanceDidNice #Funsquad #apto #aintNoPartyLikeAFunSquadParty #80s #90s #2000s #Fun #wddn #ariesXplosion #upnext #ILoveWhenDanceDidNice #iwhenDanceDidniceo